Saturday, December 5, 2009

Programming: Java: Game: Space Shooter

[ Space Shooter 2D ]

A month or two ago I started developing a Java based video game as a way to test myself. The game in its early days looked far different from how it does now, and in between then and now has gone through many radical design changes, (At one point it was a Tank Game).

However, finally I settled on the idea of a space shooter! You play as the red ship, and have to fight off on coming waves of enemy space cruisers and space tanks.

Throughout development I have given BETA versions of the game to my friends to test it and try to break the code so I can fix potential bugs. One major bug, or perhaps not a bug but a loop hole, was that if you held the fire button down after a second or two of nothing happening, a continuous stream of missiles would fire from your ship, allowing them to blow up everything in one fell swoop.

I fixed this by making it so you could only fire one rocket per button press, and further on in development I edited this so that your gun would over heat if you fired too many missiles straight after one another, (as displayed by the Weapon Temperature bar on the HUD).

A public BETA of the game can be downloaded from here:

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